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Vs Code Basics - Ponder activities.

Learn your tools

Good tools can help you work more efficiently...but only if you spend the time to learn what they can do for you!

I once had to move a group of users off of the old main frame menu driven system they had used for years to a new shiny web based system...they hated it! Why? Keyboard driven interfaces are faster than mouse driven ones once you learn them. Everytime you have to take your hands off the keyboard and mouse it slows you way down...learn the keyboard shortcuts for the common tasks you do.

Shortlist of useful keyboard shortcuts


Make sure you are always working in a project instead of just random open files. How do you tell? Hint...if the bar at the bottom of your editor window is purple instead of blue you do NOT have a project open and some features of Code will not work.

The other way to tell is if you open at the Explorer sidebar (Icon that looks like two pages)...if you do not have a project (folder) open there will be a big button that says "Open folder"

Create folders for each of your projects and then don't be shy about switching project folders in VS Code.

VS Code also has the ability to create [Workspaces]


A good tool these days should be extensible. Here are a few extensions I like and recommend: