WDD Learning Modules

Javascript Modules


arrays debugging dom fetch forms json loops objects operators coercion conditionals functions organizing esmodules sorting filtering variables introduction


  1. JS Introduction

    What is Javascript and how can you write and execute basic Javascript scripts

  2. JS - Variables

    Using variables in Javascript. Including a discussion about weakly typed languages.

  3. JS Debugging

    Teaches the basics of debugging Javascript in the developer tools of the browser

  4. JS Operators, Conditionals, and Coercion

    Understanding how operators and conditional statements work in Javascript and the role that coercion plays when using them.

  5. JS DOM Basics

    What is the Document Object Model (DOM) and how can we interact with it?

  6. JS Array Built-in Methods

    JavaScript comes with many very useful Array helper methods. This module will introduce some of them and their usage.

  7. JS Organizing with Functions

    Reviews creating functions in Javascript and their role in helping to organize our code.

  8. JS DOM Events

    Javascript in the browser is very event driven. This module will explain how to listen for and act on events that take place.

  9. JS working with Objects

    As the data we need to model in our applications becomes more complex simple arrays often fall short. Enter Objects.

  10. JS Organizing with ESModules

    ESModules added the ability to Javascript to easily bundle up related parts of our code in a way that is very organized and reusable

  11. JS Fetch Basics Module

    Getting started with making asynchronous requests with Fetch

  12. JS - JSON

    Learn the fundamentals of using JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) in web development.

  13. JS Loops

    Methods in Javascript for looping

  14. JS Forms

    An introduction to working with forms in Javascript

  15. JS Sorting and Filtering

    A focus on using the builtin methods for filtering and sorting in Javascript

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