WDD Learning Modules

Dom Events - Event Driven Programming

Event driven programming.

Browsers operate by events. Most of the time they sit waiting for something to happen. They notice everything that does happen, and there are a lot of possible events...but they won't do anything about it unless we tell them to.

The next section is taken directly from MDN...

The Event Reference attempts to maintain a list of the standard Events used in modern web browsers.

In general, we can distinguish events of different kinds based on the object emitting the event including:

Some notable events are:


target.addEventListener(type, listener [, options]);

How do we make something happen when a specific event happens? addEventListener. Let's say we had a button in our HTML. When the user clicks on that button with the mouse, we would like it to read the value of an input, and output it to another element.


We have mentioned that in Javascript functions are special objects...but since they are objects we can do anything with functions that we can a normal object. This includes assigning functions to variables, and passing functions into other functions as arguments, as well as returning functions from functions.

When we pass a function into another function we call it a 'callback'. addEventListener is a good example. The second parameter (listener) that it is expecting should be a function. This function will get called when the event we are listening for happens.


<input id="inputBox" type="text" />
<button id="submitButton">Submit</button>
<p id="output"></p>


const buttonElement = document.getElementById("submitButton");

function copyInput() {
const inputElement = document.getElementById("inputBox");
const outputElement = document.getElementById("output");
outputElement.innerHTML = inputElement.value;
buttonElement.addEventListener("click", copyInput);

The Event object

addEventListener will always pass an object containing information about the event that happened into your callback function. It contains a lot of very useful information. Run the code below and inspect the event that got logged out to the console.

// modify the copyInput callback to receive the event object
function copyInput(event) {
// take a look at the event!
const inputElement = document.getElementById("inputBox");
const outputElement = document.getElementById("output");
outputElement.innerHTML = inputElement.value;

A few properties of particular interest would be event.target, event.currentTarget, and event.type

Another example

We saw how to respond to a 'click' event above. What about a key event? If you refer back to the Event Reference document from earlier we can find keydown and keyup events. With something like a click, we usually want to know if a specific thing has been clicked. A keyboard event however often is not specific to a particular element, so we will listen at the document level.

<p id="log"></p>
const log = document.querySelector("#log");

document.addEventListener("keydown", logKey);

function logKey(e) {
// how do we know which key was pressed?
// checkout e.code, e.key, and e.keyCode
// what is the difference?

Did you note the difference between e.code and e.key? Here is a hint.