WDD Learning Modules

JS Functions - Ponder activities.


Encapsulation: "The goal of encapsulation is the bundling or co-location of information (data) and behavior (functions) that together serve a common purpose."

"The idea is to group alike program bits together, and selectively limit programmatic access to the parts we consider private details. What's not considered private is then marked as public, accessible to the whole program."

There is a concept in programming called DRY. Don't Repeat Yourself. Which means that if we are coding and find ourselves doing the exact same thing more than once...we should find a way to re-use. Functions are made for this.

It is recommended to review Introduction to Functions before you start.. In particular remember the three ways to declare functions in JavaScript:

  1. Function Declaration
function mySuperFunction() {
// Do stuff here
  1. Function Expression
const mySuperFunction = function () {
// Do stuff here
  1. Arrow Function (Lambda)
const mySuperFunction = () => {
// Do stuff here

Activity 1

GPA Calculator

If we think about a GPA Calculator app that runs in the browser, how would we organize the code for that? What does it need to do?

  1. Display the options for the user
  2. Accept input from the user
  3. Perform an operation with the arguments provided by the user.
  4. Display the result of the operation

Our program could be organized into two sets of functionality: code that is responsible to receive and display information, and code that will calculate the GPA with the user supplied input.

Let's break down our functionality a bit further:

  1. Display input box for user to enter grades along with a button to kick off the calculation.
  2. Add an event listener to the button that will do the following when clicked:
    1. Get the string of grades from the input
    2. Convert the string to an array (String.split(',')), clean up any extra spaces, and make the grades all uppercase.
    3. Do a lookup on each grade to convert it to it's point value (for example A = 4.0)
    4. Total up all the point values, and divide by the number of grades to get the GPA
    5. Output the GPA to the browser


  1. Start by creating two files in your editor: gpa.html, and gpa.js. Just like before add the HTML for a basic page, and a script element linking our JS to our HTML
  2. Copy the following HTML into the <body> of your HTML file:
<h1>GPA Calculator</h1>
<p>Enter a comma separated list of grades.</p>
<label for="grades">Grades</label>
<input type="text" id="grades" placeholder="comma separated list of grades" />
<button id="submitButton">Generate</button>
<p id="output"></p>
  1. If we review our list of steps above, we have many things to accomplish. Think about how you might organize all of that into functions. How many do we need? What should each function do? Remember that good functions should only do one thing. After you have considered this and formed a few opinions check out one possibility below.
Function List
function getGrades(inputSelector) {
// get grades from the input box
// split them into an array (String.split(','))
// clean up any extra spaces, and make the grades all uppercase. (Array.map())
// return grades

function lookupGrade(grade) {
// converts the letter grade to it's GPA point value and returns it

function calculateGpa(grades) {
// gets a list of grades passed in
// convert the letter grades to gpa points
// calculates the GPA
// return the GPA

function outputGpa(gpa, selector) {
// takes a gpa value and displays it in the HTML in the element identified by the selector

function clickHandler() {
// when the button in our html is clicked:
// get the grades entered into the input
// calculate the gpa from the grades entered
// display the gpa
  1. Start by seeing if you can implement getGrades(). If you are having a hard time remembering how to select an HTML element review JS DOM Basics. Then note that the value that is entered into an HTML input element can be found in it's .value property.

  2. Add an event listener to the button in our HTML. It should call our clickHandler function when a click occurs. Go ahead and call the getGrades() function in clickHandler We can use that to test getGrades. This line would look like this:

    .addEventListener("click", clickHandler);
  3. Move onto the lookupGrade() function. In this case a long if-else statement should work. To keep it simpler don't worry about the + and - grades. Make sure to test your function to make sure it works!

  4. Next is the calculateGpa() function. It should use the lookupGrade() function that we just finished. We will need to loop through our list of grades and call lookupGrade on each. Then we will need to reduce the list of gpa points to a total and divide it by the number of grades to get the average. Finally round the gpa to 2 decimal points.

  5. The last step is to write the displayGpa() function, then pull it all together in the clickHandler

Solution (gpa.js)
function getGrades(inputSelector) {
// get grades from the input box
const grades = document.querySelector(inputSelector).value;
// split them into an array (String.split(','))
const gradesArray = grades.split(",");
// clean up any extra spaces, and make the grades all uppercase. (Array.map())
const cleanGrades = gradesArray.map((grade) => grade.trim().toUpperCase());
// return grades
return cleanGrades;

function lookupGrade(grade) {
// converts the letter grade to it's GPA point value and returns it
let points = 0;
if (grade === "A") {
points = 4;
} else if (grade === "B") {
points = 3;
} else if (grade === "C") {
points = 2;
} else if (grade === "D") {
points = 1;
return points;

function calculateGpa(grades) {
// gets a list of grades passed in
// convert the letter grades to gpa points
const gradePoints = grades.map((grade) => lookupGrade(grade));
// calculates the GPA
const gpa =
gradePoints.reduce((total, num) => total + num) / gradePoints.length;
// return the GPA
return gpa.toFixed(2);

function outputGpa(gpa, selector) {
// takes a gpa value and displays it in the HTML in the element identified by the selector passed in
const outputElement = document.querySelector(selector);
outputElement.innerText = gpa;

function clickHandler() {
// when the button in our html is clicked
// get the grades entered into the input
const grades = getGrades("#grades");
// calculate the gpa from the grades entered
const gpa = calculateGpa(grades);
// display the gpa
outputGpa(gpa, "#output");

document.querySelector("#submitButton").addEventListener("click", clickHandler);