WDD Learning Modules

JS Sorting and Filtering - Ponder activities.


You will need your editor open with some HTML and the code:


<!-- sorting.html -->
<title>Sorting Activities</title>
<script src="sorting.js"></script>


// sorting.js
const hikes = [
name: "Bechler Falls",
stub: "bechler_falls",
imgAlt: "Image of Bechler Falls",
distance: "3 miles",
tags: ["Easy", "Yellowstone", "Waterfall"],
"Beautiful short hike in Yellowstone along the Bechler river to Bechler Falls",
"Take Highway 20 north to Ashton. Turn right into the town and continue through. Follow that road for a few miles then turn left again onto the Cave Falls road.Drive to the end of the Cave Falls road. There is a parking area at the trailhead.",
trailhead: [44.14457, -110.99781]
name: "Teton Canyon",
stub: "teton_canyon",
imgSrc: "https://wdd131.netlify.app/examples/hikes/images/teton-canyon.jpg",
imgAlt: "Image of Bechler Falls",
distance: "3 miles",
tags: ["Easy", "Tetons"],
description: "Beautiful short (or long) hike through Teton Canyon.",
"Take Highway 33 East to Driggs. Turn left onto Teton Canyon Road. Follow that road for a few miles then turn right onto Staline Raod for a short distance, then left onto Alta Road. Veer right after Alta back onto Teton Canyon Road. There is a parking area at the trailhead.",
trailhead: [43.75567, -110.91521]
name: "Denanda Falls",
stub: "denanda_falls",
imgAlt: "Image of Bechler Falls",
distance: "7 miles",
tags: ["Moderate", "Yellowstone", "Waterfall"],
description: "Beautiful hike through Bechler meadows to Denanda Falls",
"Take Highway 20 north to Ashton. Turn right into the town and continue through. Follow that road for a few miles then turn left again onto the Cave Falls road. Drive to until you see the sign for Bechler Meadows on the left. Turn there. There is a parking area at the trailhead.",
trailhead: [44.14974, -111.04564]
name: "Coffee Pot Rapids",
stub: "coffee_pot",
imgSrc: "https://wdd131.netlify.app/examples/hikes/images/coffee-pot.jpg",
imgAlt: "Image of Bechler Falls",
distance: "2.2 miles",
tags: ["Easy"],
"Beautiful hike along the Henry's Fork of the Snake River to a set of rapids.",
"Take Highway 20 north to Island Park. Continue almost to Mack's in. From Highway 20, turn west on Flatrock Road for 1 mile then turn off on Coffee Pot Road and travel one-half mile to the campground entrance road. There is a parking lot right outside the campground.",
trailhead: [44.49035, -111.36619]
name: "Menan Butte",
stub: "menan_butte",
imgSrc: "https://wdd131.netlify.app/examples/hikes/images/menan-butte.jpg",
imgAlt: "Image of Menan Butte",
distance: "3.4 miles",
tags: ["Moderate", "View"],
"A steep climb to one of the largest volcanic tuff cones in the world. 3.4 miles is the full loop around the crater, can be shortened.",
"Take Highway 33 West out of Rexburg for about 8 miles. Turn left onto E Butte Road, the right onto Twin Butte road after about a mile. Follow that road for about 3 miles. You will see the parking lot/trailhead on the left.",
trailhead: [43.78555, -111.98996]
const simpleList = ["oranges", "grapes", "lemons", "apples", "Bananas", "watermelons", "coconuts", "broccoli", "mango"];

These activities will be most effective if you try them first before you look at the solution. And after you do look at the solution, do not copy and paste the code. Read through it, try to understand what it is doing...then go fix your code.

Activity 1: Sorting a list of strings

  1. Declare a new variable called simpleSort. Set it equal to simpleList.sort(). Log out the results...any surprises?

    This illustrates the simplest type of sort: strings descending. Notice the 'B' got sorted before anything else. The sort is case sensitive.

    To do anything more complex we need to provide a compareFunction. MDN gives the following definition for that function:

    compareFunction(a, b)
    return value sort order
    > 0 sort a after b, e.g. [b, a]
    < 0 sort a before b, e.g. [a, b]
    === 0 keep original order of a and b
  2. So another way to sort our list descending would be to provide the following compare function:

    function compareFunction(a,b) {
    if (a < b) {
    return -1;
    } else if (a > b) {
    return 1;
    // a must be equal to b
    return 0;
    const anotherSort = simpleList.sort(compareFn)
  3. If we wanted to sort our list the opposite direction what would you change?

It is important to understand that sort() sorts the list in place. That means that we are changing the original array each time we re-sort it!

Solution 1
    function compareFn(a,b) {
if (a > b) {
return -1;
} else if (a < b) {
return 1;
// a must be equal to b
return 0;
const anotherSort = simpleList.sort(compareFn)

Activity 2: Filtering a list of strings

Instead of sorting, sometimes we need to reduce a list by some criteria. Unlike sort(), there is no simple version of filter(). We always have to provide a callback function that returns a "truthy" value if we want to keep an item in the array, or a "falsy" value if we want to get rid of it. filter() returns a new array and does not change the original, unlike sort.

  1. We want to be able to search our list. Begin by writing a function called searchList that will take a list and a query string. We need to check to see if the query string can be found inside of each string in the list.
  2. Inside of the searchList function, declare another function called searchCallback. It should expect a string and a query string. It should return true if the query string is inside of the string, false otherwise. String.includes() will be very helpful here.
  3. Call filter on the passed in list. Use the searchCallback when you do this. Returnthe results of the filter from the function. As you test your searchList function, try using "b" as the query string. What do you get?
  4. Fix your callback function so that character case does not matter.
Solution 2
  function searchList(list, query) {
function searchCallback(string) {
return string.toLowerCase().includes(query.toLowerCase());
return list.filter(searchCallback);
console.log(searchList(simpleList, "b"));
console.log(searchList(simpleList, "an"));

Activity 3: Sorting and Filtering a list of objects.

You have been given a list of hikes in no particular order. We can use them to learn to sort and filter lists of objects.

  1. Start with the searchList function from the last activity. Call it passing in the hikes list and use "al" as the query.
  2. Make the following changes: instead of a string we will pass an object into the searchCallback. Start by getting the search "by name" working again.
  3. After you can search by the hike name, modify it again to search for the query in the name or description.
  4. Finally add tags into the search so that if the query string shows up in a tag the hike should be included. Since tags is an array we cannot simply use includes like we did before. We must check each element of that array to see if it includes our query. Check out Array.find() to help you do this.
  5. Sort the filtered list by length. Try passing in "al" as the search query. How do the results look? Why are they in the order that they are? How could you fix this?
Solution 3
  function searchList(list, q) {
function searchCallback(item) {
return (
item.name.toLowerCase().includes(q.toLowerCase()) ||
item.description.toLowerCase().includes(q.toLowerCase()) ||
item.tags.find((tag) => tag.toLowerCase().includes(q.toLowerCase()))
const filtered = list.filter(searchCallback);

const sorted = filtered.sort((a, b) => a.distance > b.distance);
return sorted;
console.log(searchList(hikes, "yellowstone"));
console.log(searchList(hikes, "moderate"));
console.log(searchList(hikes, "al"));